Things I will miss about Mozambique
- Speaking Portuguese
- My dogs Mel and Magorducha
- My theatre group jovens
- Mandaring children to do things for me
- Capulana clothing
- Beach trips whenever I want
- Having a flexible work schedule
- Free time
- The sound of rain on the tin roof
- Hitchhiking everywhere (boleias)
- Getting free veggies from my produce ladies (bacelas)
- Sleeping under a mosquito net and feeling like a princess
- Lighting the trash pit on fire
- Giving people the thumbs up whenever I pass
- Having an empregada to clean up after me
- Wearing flipflops everywhere
- My Peace Corps friends
- Fresh fruit (especially mangoes, papayas, pineapple, tangerines)
- Sitting outside in the shade when it's hot
- Greeting everybody I pass
- My host family in Namaacha
- Getting 9 hours of sleep every day
- Patio time
- Meio frango (Grilled ½ chicken on the bone)
Things I won't miss
- Sweating constantly
- Dirty feet
- Chapas
- Sexual harassment
- Being called “China”
- People hissing at me
- Waiting....
- Work frustrations
- Xima (the food, not the dog)
- Camel spiders and big roaches
- Rodents scuttling overhead
- Lizard poop
- Being the only one at at meeting who doesn't understand Changana
- Being stared at
- People asking me for money
- Loud music coming from every house
- Bucket baths
- Volunteer Report Form (VRF)
- Faulty electricity
- Bank lines
- How there's only “one way” to do things
- Corruption
- Running out of phone credit
- Mosquitoes
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